Parvula despieciens conquirit maxima numquam”

“sottovalutando le piccole cose non si conquistano quelle grandi”


La nuova linea di impianti Pompey the Small è il sistema ideato, designed and built by Aquaquality S.r.l., to create purification or finishing plants even when there is a shortage of space.

La linea Pompei Parvus presenta tutti i vantaggi di possedere un CSM/CDM tra i quali: the ability to present to the customer, through the possible connection of the system to the exhibitors, a qualitatively better product as it is alive and vital in water without the problems concerning any quality controls, the increase in the organoleptic qualities of the finished product on site and in addition the reduction of costs possible thanks to the ability to carry out the purification and / or finishing of the product itself directly on site.


In addition, this innovative line of systems has numerous advantages including the extreme compactness of the structure made possible thanks to new technologies that have made it possible to create extremely efficient components but in reduced dimensions, among which are included:

un filtro biologico esterno che permette di aumentare la capacità massima di prodotto da trattare in quanto il sistema di filtrazione viene posizionato all’esterno delle vasche lasciando uno spazio maggiore al prodotto all’interno e permettendo una maggiore sicurezza igienica dato che la filtrazione e rimozione dell’ammoniaca libera vengono svolte in una componente a sé stante. This also allows a more practical and faster maintenance and cleaning of the filter itself, given by the possibility of performing an extremely efficient backwash cleaning.

delle pompe con giranti appositamente studiate per diminuire la rumorosità (emit a sound less than 72 dB) and they are also designed and built to work in high salinity environments, guaranteeing an extremely long duration over time compared to old technologies.



dei sistemi refrigeranti ad alta efficienza studiati e realizzati appositamente da esperti del settore, who have been collaborating with Aquaquality Srl for more than ten years, to adapt to customer needs. Furthermore, the tailor-made realization of these refrigerating systems allows a reduction in management costs, as it is possible to create a system with the specific power based on the mass of water in use, making these systems extremely efficient and low energy consumption.



un sistema di abbattimento della carica batterica costituito da; a high-efficiency skimmer capable of optimally separating the proteins released by animals into the water, thus allowing any bacteria present in the system to be trapped, inside the foam; an ozonator of adequate size based on the characteristics of the system itself and installed, so as to introduce ozone exclusively into the skimmer to prevent any contact with animals in the tank and to maintain ozone in the area where the bacterial load is greater. Finally a continuous flow UV-C lamp from 55 W to provide constant photochemical sterilization.














The presence of the characteristics described above therefore allows the creation of a modular system that adapts to the needs of the customer whether they are structural, space or in case of low product volumes, since the plant itself when completed is still small in size compared to traditional systems while still maintaining all the required sanitary standards and the efficiency of a larger plant.

It is also easy to understand how, in terms of costs, we can afford to start a CSM or a CDM with much lower initial costs than traditional ones.

It can therefore be said that the Parvus line of systems allows even the smallest premises and with particular structural needs to present to their customers a product of above-average quality., increasing the company's competitiveness on this rapidly expanding market with high product demand, to which previously it was not possible to access due to the limitations given by the cumbersome technology used.